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SOIL Testing Lab Equipment

SOIL Testing Lab Equipment

SE-Test India Pvt. Ltd. manufactures a wide range of soil testing lab equipment of direct utility in the civil engineering lab equipment sector. Our soil testing lab equipment and apparatuses are developed to assist the engineers and technicians in the detailed analysis of soil samples and derive accurate predictions therefrom.
Being the leading soil testing lab equipments manufacturers, SE-Test India adheres to the best practices ‘in house’. While the design is done innovatively by the R & D team, the production is done through the use of top grade materials.
All the instruments have been developed as per the industry demands and ensure highly precise calculations and assessments along the parameters of density, permeability, water and moisture retention characteristics, particle size sedimentation, compaction and bonding, consistency, arability, and others that are relevant to determining the soil attributes. With such objective analyses made possible through our instruments, SE-Test India has become the preferred geotechnical soil testing equipment provider.
Look out for the wide range of soil testing instruments on offer at SE-Test India -
  • Plastic Limit Set
  • Shrinkage Limit Set
  • Linear Shrinkage Mould
  • Soil Cone Penetrometer
  • Semi Automatic Cone Penetrometer
  • Liquid Limit Device With Counter
  • Liquid Limit Device - Motorized
  • High Speed Stirrer
  • Grain Size Analysis – Pipette Method
  • Particle Size Sedimentation – Hydrometer Method
  • Soil Hydrometer
  • Sand Equivalent Test Set
  • Standard Compaction Test
  • Heavy Compaction Test
  • Automatic Soil Compactor
  • Proctor Needles – Spring Type
  • Pocket Penetrometer
  • Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
  • Speedy Moisture Meter
  • Rapid Moisture Meter
  • Permeability Apparatus – Falling and Constant Head Permeability
  • Universal Permeability
  • Sand Pouring Cylinder
  • Sand Density Cone Apparatus
  • Core Cutters
  • Pycnometer
  • Density Bottles – Gay Lussac Type
  • Particle Density By Gas Jar Method
  • Relative Density Test
  • Universal Extruder Frame – Hydraulic
  • Extractor Frame Universal – Screw Type
  • Consolidation Apparatus – Single Gang
  • Direct Shear Test Apparatus
  • Unconfined Compression Tester
  • Triaxial Testing Machine
  • Laboratory California Bearing Ratio Apparatus – Motorized
  • Swell Test Apparatus
  • Auger Posthole Type
  • Proving Rings
  • Brass Frame Sieves 100 200 300 and 450 mm Diameter
  • Plate Bearing Test
  • Sieve Shaker – Manual And Motorized
  • In Situ Vane Shear Test Apparatus