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Concrete Testing Equipments

L-Shape Box Apparatus

Business Type: Manufacturers, Exporters, Suppliers, Retailers, Wholesalers

Make: Setest India
Origin: India

Model No.: SET-1108

Standards: EN 12350-9

The L-Shape Box apparatus consists of a rectangular section box in the shape of an L, including a vertical and horizontal section, divided by a movable gate. At the bottom of the horizontal length of reinforcement bar, the vertical section will be filled with self-compacting concrete, and then the gate will be lifted to let the concrete flow into the horizontal section.

Specification:The distance between 12 mm diameter bars can be set between 41±1 mm or 59±1 mm. The L-shape box is designed for ease of cleaning the vertical and horizontal hoppers.


  • Trowel
  • Scoop
  • Stopwatch

SE-Test India constantly strives to maintain excellence and perfection in the design and manufacturing of L-shape Box apparatuses for manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters in Delhi, India. Our L-shape Box apparatus instruments mark the frontline competence that ensures detailed assessments in a well calibrated manner. We are therefore counted among the top L-shape Box apparatus suppliers, manufacturers, and exporters in Delhi, India.!

SE-Test India offers L-shape Box apparatus for judging the strength and stability of concrete specimens of diversity. Our machine (Model SET 1108) has been developed as per the international standard EN 12350-9. SE-Test India has developed an L-shape box apparatus for self-compacting concrete that is based on the Japanese design for underwater concrete. It has been described by Peterson. The test is used to determine the flow of the concrete and the extent to which it is subjected to blocking by reinforcement.

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