Business Type: Manufacturers, Exporters, Suppliers, Retailers, Wholesalers
Make: Setest India
Origin: India
Standards: IS 310, 1203, 1448, IP 60, 49, 50 ASTM D5, 217, D637, BS 2000-49
Digital Penetrometer Description: SE-Test India Pvt. Ltd. is known as the most trustworthy manufacturer and supplier of lab testing instruments to critical sectors such as civil, electronics, oil, petroleum, and industrial engineering. Se-Test India’s Digital Penetrometer (model no. SET-1303) conforms to the IS 310, 1203, 1448, IP 60, 49, 50, ASTM D5, 217, D637, and BS 2000-49 industry standards. A digital penetrometer helps to determine the consistency of the sample bituminous under pre-specified conditions or factors of time, temperature, and load. The penetration results are expressed in the distance of a 10th of millimetres that is vertically penetrated by the standard needle. We manufacture the best digital penetrometer in a rugged environment and it comes with a base table clubbed with levelling screws.
Accessories: Penetration cone for empirical estimation of penetration of petroleum jelly, lubricating grease etc.