UV Cabinet Machine Manufacturers

- The UV cabinet is used in laboratories and various industrial setups for chromatographic analysis. The machine releases ultraviolet fluorescence that serves the purpose of using this machine. Many research institutes use the machine as an effective germicide and virucide in the research laboratory after purchasing from UV cabinet manufacturers in Delhi, India.
- Cleaning the normal surface is easy for bacteria and viruses whereas machine cleaning is quite a difficult process. UV cabinet machines release the rays to the surface where cleaning is required. The machine disinfects the surface for viruses and bacteria.
- Another important use of the machine is for viewing the chromatogram of both short and long waves. It works at both ultraviolet lights as well as with white light in a closed tabletop unit.
- SE test India is one of the reputed names in the market of UV cabinet exporters and delivers the machine that works excellently well for easy viewing and creation of Chromatograms. The self-contained machine can also be used for general Fluorescence Studies.
- The cabinet comes with an extra powerful UV light that works like a denature Nucleic Acids. This process happens every 5 to 30 minutes that make it ideal for Amplification as well as Contamination of PCR reactions.
- The machine comes with a timer controlled and safety switches strategically located at the cabinet door. A person using the machine does not have much risk for his/her health. The cabinet doors are sensor fitted. If someone opens the door when the machine is in operation, the UV lights automatically get turned off. It prevents the exposure of UV light to the users. The exposure is harmful to humans so it is important to use the machine by following all the safety precautions.
- The cabinet also comes with other safety features that make it ideal for use with isotopes such as 32P. The cabinet creates an effective protective shield so that beta radioactive emissions do not release out of the uv cabinet machine suppliers in Delhi, India.
- When the operator uses the Cabinet’s White Light, they get excellent visibility. The machine comes with resistance to cracking and discoloration as it is made with Polypropylene. Low-quality material gets cracked and discolored due to high exposure to UV lights, acids, and other chemicals. The UV cabinet machine is equipped with a fan/filter that helps in providing a wash of HEPA-filtered air. This wash removes contaminants and keeps the machine in running conditions for long years.
- The machine is also useful for the detection of minerals and old inspections. The machine uses long waves for Fluorescing spots on chromatograms. That helps in locating compounds like dyestuffs, vanillin’s flavones, alkaloids, etc.