Loss On Heating Thin Film Oven For Bitumen

Meta:- If you want to know about loss on heating a thin film oven for bitumen, definitely choose the right blog to know about it.
The Thin-Film Oven is used for determining the loss in mass of oil and asphaltic/bituminous compounds when heated with the loss on heating test method or the effect of heat and air on semi-solid asphaltic/bituminous materials with the Thin-Film Oven (TFO) test method.
- The exterior is constructed from sheet steel finished in an easy clean powder-coated paint.
- Interior chamber is made from Stainless Steel.
- The unit is well insulated and has a double glass door for viewing the test chamber.
- The system is controlled by a microprocessor digital controller and overheat thermostat.
- Calibrated scale and tamper-proof lock.
- Temperature is controlled and pre-set at 163°C +/- 1°C
- Two rotating platforms of 13.5 inches diameter are supplied to perform both the tests. Side mounted controls comprise:
- Microprocessor digital control.
- Independent overheat thermostat.
- Mains switch.
- On/off switch for the turntable motor.
- Indicator lamps.
Loss on heating thin film oven for bitumen manufacturers made it very effective and easy to fix. It is commonly used in manufacturing industries of oil. Interior chambers are made up of stainless steel. They always try to give proper security to their customers so that no complaint will be made against their machine.
Loss on heating thin film over for bitumen suppliers are found all over India as well as in some foreign countries too. The main motive of the suppliers is to deliver the product safely to their customers.
Fresh asphalt binder is continuously exposed to heat and air flow due to the rolling action of the carousel.
Unaged asphalt binder is placed in a cylindrical jar, which is then placed in a carousel inside a specially designed oven. The oven is heated to 325°F (163°C) and the carrousel is rotated at 15 RPM for 85 minutes. The carousel rotation continuously exposes new asphalt binder to the heat and air flow and slowly mixes.
Hope this will help you and give you proper information about that Machine. If still you think something left you can contact directly to your suppliers or visit their showrooms for it.