Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus Suppliers

Six Important point to know about Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus Soxhlet Extraction Unit consists of 3 or 6 fiberglass mantles. The apparatus is mainly used in the case of carrying out extraction tests. The unit comes with a rectangular box section of metal that is compact in size. Heating elements and built-in controls are placed inside […]

UV Cabinet Machine Manufacturers

The UV cabinet is used in laboratories and various industrial setups for chromatographic analysis. The machine releases ultraviolet fluorescence that serves the purpose of using this machine. Many research institutes use the machine as an effective germicide and virucide in the research laboratory after purchasing from UV cabinet manufacturers in Delhi, India. Cleaning the normal […]

Lab Pulverizer Manufacturers

A lab pulverizer is an electronic device used to grind different kinds of hard materials in industrial areas. It cuts the hard materials into small pieces and makes them finely chopped. Specification of Lab Pulverizer A lab Pulverizer is a device used to cut medicines or other hard crystal-chemical substances into small pieces. The lab […]

Spectro Polishing Machine Manufacturers

Meta:- Spectro Polishing machine is one of the prominent machines required for laboratory and civil construction work. Wanted to know more about the machine, here is a blog for you. All about Spectro Polishing Machine The Spectro polishing machine is designed or made to polish the metal substances in the surrounding whose chemical assistance is […]

Salt Spray Chamber Manufacture

Meta:- About to buy salt spray chamber but didn’t know more about it, then probably you have chosen the right blog to know more about that. A salt spray chamber is a device that is used to measure the corrosivity of substances or materials. Generally, the materials that are tested are metallic ceramic, stones, and […]